Cohort 2

Jackson Smith, MA - Cohort 2 Student
Jackson Smith, MA
Jackson Smith is a PhD Candidate in Clinical Psychology and graduate student researcher in the FamilyPsycle® and Wisdom and Culture Labs at the University of Waterloo. Jackson holds Masters degrees in Clinical Psychology (University of Waterloo, 2021) and Community Psychology (Wilfrid Laurier University, 2016). Under the guidance of Dr. Dillon Browne (Canada Research Chair in Child and Family Clinical Psychology), Jackson is examining the psychological and relational consequences of (childhood) trauma and adversity, family processes in contexts of stress, and multisystemic resilience for his doctoral research. He is particularly interested in applying a complex systems framework to understand psychological and relational processes through advanced statistical modeling techniques, such as dynamic psychometric network analysis. Jackson’s research also involves investigating the structure of psychopathology among children and adolescents who have experienced complex developmental trauma as well as evaluating caregiver-focused and whole family therapeutic interventions that promote healing and resilience in individuals and families in community and child welfare settings.