Academics April 25, 2024

The purpose of the CARe RTP
To generate impactful research by developing knowledge, skills, and relationships between students/trainees, community partners, and academics with the aim of preventing child maltreatment and improving child welfare practices in Canada.
Benefits of joining the CARe RTP
Simply stated, the benefits of joining the CARe RTP will be increased opportunities for networking, and collaborating; development of research, writing, and presentation skills; to learn how to develop, complete, and disseminate impactful research; and to build a robust research CV in a number of ways.
All students stories
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Students July 4, 2023
Canadian law that allows adults to spank and hit children and why it’s time to abolish it
An overview of the Childhood Adversity and Resilience Research Training Platform (CARe RTP)
The CARe Research Training Platform (RTP) will partner students/trainees with academics and community partners to work in collaboration to address evidence gaps and create impactful research to advance the fields of child maltreatment and/or child welfare. The aim will be to develop and promote the research and collaboration skills of students/trainees to produce timely and useful research initiated by the needs of the community partners and other stakeholders together and with the support of academics. Research projects can be submitted for publication in a peer review, submitted as a conference presentation, developed into a community report or infographic, and disseminated in other creative ways. There is no tuition fees for joining the CARe RTP. It is estimated that 15 hours per month are needed to do the work.
Skills and opportunities for students/trainees joining the CARe RTP
Students/trainees who join the CARe RTP will be partnered with community organizations and academics working in child maltreatment and child welfare. During this partnership, students/trainees will learn how to transform an idea derived from an identified community need or recognized knowledge gap into an important research question and then into impactful research. Research projects will be designed to be small to facilitate timely completion while in the CARe RTP or soon thereafter. Examples of research projects are scoping reviews, small data collection projects including surveys or interviews, and secondary data analyses. Students/trainees will then be provided with opportunities to submit their research for publication, publish in open access journals, and present findings at a conference (some funds provided).
The following topics are some of the topics covered in the CARe RTP curriculum: research design (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods); Indigenous research methodologies; Indigenous data sovereignty; confounding, mediation, moderation analyses; survey design and implementation; measurement; public health approaches; Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs); research ethics and safety; resilience and protective factors; sex and gender, trauma- and violence-informed principles; culturally safe and responsive research; health equity; manuscript writing; and knowledge translation and mobilization.
The CARe RTP is meant to be an added learning experience and extra training while in a Canadian graduate program. For this reason, the schedule is designed to be not too onerous. The CARe RTP will run from September to May (9 months). The CARe RTP will start with an in-person 1.5 day workshop in Winnipeg Manitoba (expenses paid by the CARe RTP) from September 25 to 27, 2024. Each month will involve 1-2 hours of virtual pre-recorded lectures (no lectures in December), 1 virtual full group 1-hour meeting in the Fall and 1 in the Winter term to discuss lecture material and extend learning, virtual small group meetings to advance research projects, 2 virtual student-led journal clubs (student can volunteer to lead and be provided an honoria), and four 1-hour sessions by experts in the field. Research projects may not be completed in the 9-month program, but small groups can continue the work with the goal of completing the research in 12-18 months.
Students admitted into the CARe RTP will be required to attend an in-person 1.5 day workshop from September 25 to 27, 2024 in Winnipeg, Manitoba along with community partners, and academics. All expenses (i.e., airfare, hotel, taxi, and food) will be provided from the CARe RTP. Attendance at the workshop is mandatory and must be confirmed at the time of acceptance to the program.
There are no admission fees to join the CARe RTP. This is not a degree program, but rather an additional training opportunity ideally suited for a graduate student (Masters or PhD) in an area related to child maltreatment or child welfare (e.g., community health, population or public health, epidemiology, social work, psychology, nursing, medicine, education, sociology, law, etc.) who already have a foundational knowledge of basic research methods. Students/Trainees in the CARe will receive a certificate upon completion of the program, and will be provided opportunities to apply for funding to subsidize open access publication fees and conference fees to disseminate their research.
Upon completion of the CARe RTP curriculum in May, students/trainees will be provided a certificate of completion. Research projects may not be completed in May. However, academic mentors will continue to work with students/trainees beyond the 9-month program in an effort to complete and disseminate research projects. Once graduated, the CARe RTP cohort will become alumni of the program and will have the opportunity to serve as student mentors for the new incoming cohorts.