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Academic Partner

Aislin Mushquash, PhD, CPsych - Academic Partner

Aislin Mushquash, PhD, CPsych

Dr. Aislin Mushquash is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Lakehead University. She is also a Registered Clinical Psychologist with Dilico Anishinabek Family Care where she provides assessment, treatment, and consultation to support Indigenous children, youth, and adults. Dr. Mushquash’s research focuses on understanding maladaptive coping behaviours and evaluating innovative solutions to support adaptive coping and resilience. Dr. Mushquash leads the evaluation of the JoyPop mobile mental health app – a tool to support improved emotion regulation, mental health, and resilience among adolescents and transitional aged youth. Dr. Mushquash’s research is supported by a CIHR/Sick Kids Foundation New Investigator Award and a Brain Canada Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research Award.